The Goal

Each day I will write something, be it here, or in a notebook, or elsewhere. Each day I will drip creativity onto a page, until it saturates the emptiness and brings color to a void.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Black Hole

The funny thing about depression is that it hits when there's no reason. I have so much good in my life. So much love, so many friends, so much strength. And I can recite my blessings to myself until I'm blue in the face. It doesn't help.

The funny thing about depression is that even though you feel sad and miserable, you just don't care enough to want to feel happy.

The funny thing about depression is that even if you want to ask for help, you don't feel as though you deserve it.

The funny thing about depression is that because you don't care about yourself, it becomes so much more difficult to care about others.

The funny thing about depression is that the very things that would change the situation are the very things that are the hardest to do.

The funny thing about depression is that one day, all of a sudden, you realize you are depressed and have been for awhile.

The funny thing about depression is that you can sometimes see the light at the end of your tunnel, but getting there seems impossible.

The funny thing about depression is that I've been here before, and knew how to get here, and knew how to avoid getting here, but somehow I got stuck doing all the right things in life that led me to a bad place in my head.

The funny thing about depression is that I keep trying to laugh it off.

The funny thing about depression is that, perhaps, laughing it off is the best cure.