The Goal

Each day I will write something, be it here, or in a notebook, or elsewhere. Each day I will drip creativity onto a page, until it saturates the emptiness and brings color to a void.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Last night I dreamed of snow. It covered the grass, the trees, the rooftops. It lay in thick blankets on every surface, inviting the people to emerge from their houses. And emerge they did. In coats and gloves and scarves and smiles, they came outside to play and rejoice. We gathered the snow in our arms and flung it back up into the sky where it spread, shimmered, and fell down on our faces in glittering, stinging bits of icy cold warmth. Our hearts were joined in the spirit of the snow, the winter, the shared hardships, the anticipation of snowmen and sleigh rides and Christmas. We spy each other across streets and yards, eyes shining and shy smiles widening. And so, for this moment, this dream, we are friends, joined together by the magic of the snow.